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"You ladies were fabulous! We had the greatest time with you both. The meals were fantastic and we are doing them at home. Of course the first one we tried was the chocolate volcano."

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Umbrian Cuisine

The foods of Umbria date back centuries to the civilization of the ancient Etruscans, who reaped the bounty of the land, sky and waters of Central Italy’s “Green Heart.”

The Umbrian culinary tradition is best known as one passed from mother to daughter at home, not from chef to apprentice in a famous cooking school or restaurant.

Tita began learning the traditional skills of the Umbrian kitchen when she was still a girl, mostly from her maternal grandmother. Together the two would knead and bake bread, roll and cut pasta, and pick and chop vegetables and herbs. Her grandmother showed her basic techniques such as the anointing of prepared foods with the exquisite oil pressed from locally grown olives; the simple methods of grilling and roasting meat and fish, and the processes of Battuto (beating) and Soffritto (sautéing or frying) that are required for so many dishes.

For more examples of typical cuisine of Umbria, see the sample menu from our cooking classes.